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Salinas FFA
Contact Us
Salinas FFA first got its charter in the 1940s, and has continued to grow and expand since then. Now with almost 300 members, our chapter has continued to thrive. This past year, we formed our first vet science team and have created many new events such as Aggie Prom to continue to get our members involved. To incorporate these new ideas, our theme this year is GROW. After overcoming many obstacles, we're looking forward to his year of excitement and achievements.
About Us
President: Megan Wasson
Vice-President: Alex Burgess
Vice-President: Julia Bell
Secretary: Anahy Padilla
Treasurer: Peyton Jeffries
Reporter: Maddy Black
Sentinel: Andrew Meza
Ms. Martinez​
Mrs. Almond
Chapter Officers & Advisors
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